A Heritage Day Never to be Forgotten


Awodwa Confidence Tobo, one of our Cape Winelands Biosphere Reserve Youth Board members, shares a very special occasion for this year’s Heritage month. On the 23rd of September, she hosted a launch in Khayamandi of her recently published book ‘Oom and Thandi: A Heritage Day Never to be Forgotten.’

The Book Launch

Oom and Thandi: A Heritage Day Never to be Forgotten is based on true life events. I learnt about Oom’s passing after a spiritual trip I embarked on in Nepal in 2017. After a year of mourning him, I believed that it was time to honour the memories we shared together. And that is how and Oom and Thandi was birthed.

The book highlights themes such as race, prejudice, discrimination, and power dynamics between Oom and Thandi and the community they live in. They face a lot of scrutiny because one is old and white, and the other, young and black. Both were born in two different places, Oom from Germany and Thandi a township in South Africa, however they meet at a neighbourhood called Lovely Valley where they become friends. It is where they showcase, their friendship and ultimately, teach other about reconciliation and building bridges.

The book emphasizes how the two overcome obstacles of being judged by the colour of their skin instead of the kindness they show to each other. They help people in their community understand that friendships are about empathy, appreciation and understanding one another which soon becomes a success as their planned event that brings people together.

The book launch on the 23rd of September emphasized these topics, discussed amongst a panel and the audience, while we celebrated and dressed for Heritage Day. A meal was shared together, and the night finished with a drumming circle.

Stephen Smuts